catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Society & Institutions

Fame on film

How a medium that is itself engulfed in fame has something to teach us about public people.


True fame

On putting our instincts on hold to re-evaluate human worth.

Consuming toward exile

On claiming culpability in the case of the star everyone loves to hate.


Hemingway in Cubero

The short tale of a literary stop on a Route 66 road trip.

Rock Star Fever

A proposed cure to a very attractive disease.


A self in comparison

Reflections on ambition, identity, fame, fortune and family.

Late night thoughts on the incident behind this issue

An experience in a high school classroom prompts thoughts about the postmodern decline of shared cultural reference.



A foray into the heart of the South and the heart of an artist.

Polls apart

Why believers might conscientiously abstain from voting.


Just relax

A lesson from Gamaliel about human movements and God’s movement.