catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Society & Institutions

Can we test for that?

A review of Howard Gardner's The Disciplined Mind: Beyond Facts and Standardized Tests, the K-12 Education that Every Child Deserves.


Cheaper, bigger, better and more convenient than ever

Approaching advertising with discernment involves a willingness to establish values in advance and to be fully awake when viewing.

The Church vs. Football

A modest proposal for a solution to the conflict between the Church and the NFL.


So what?

Analyzing advertising statistics and asking why Christians should care.

Black and white make gray

In the middle of such complex issues as war and capital punishment, we need to keep in mind our ultimate allegiance to the God of love and life.


Pro-life focus too narrow

Attending the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., as a chaperone raised more questions than it answered about the traditional Pro-Life movement.

The meaning of Pro-Life

A series of five high school devotionals challenges students to adhere to the broad definition of "pro-life" by protecting the lives of the all God's children: the born, the unborn, and the self.


Waiting for Madison

Attending the January 11 homecoming party for recently pardoned Death Row inmates was a practical lesson in the value of fighting against corrupt, life-taking systems.