catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Health & Wellness

What’s the big deal about Bebe Gloton?

A review of a controversial toy that asks us to wrestle with what's "natural."


Mom guilt

Surveying 26 years of marriage, parenting and wrestling with depression.

The perfect husband I am not

Confessions of a spouse struggling with his own faults and his partner's depression.


Finding good words in bad breath

On the effort to create spaces that welcome all people.

Understanding emotional sickness

A window into the mental lanscape of the emotionally unwell.


What I wish I'd known then

Advice to a teen-aged self struggling with anxiety.

Coming to terms

Wrestling with the place of mental illness in the Christian life.


Out of her mind

Helping students find the way through the valley of mental illness.


On parenting in the wake of a husband's suicide.


Comfort my people

Is suffering necessary for building character and resilience?