catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Health & Wellness

All tensed up with someplace to go

What to do when the system's getting you down...even in your sleep.


Pine Trail Camp

On lessons learned at that most formative childhood institution: summer camp.

To retreat, perchance to dream

On a time away that was abundantly productive -- in many senses of the word.


From “doing” to “communing”

Recovering the practice of retreat in our lives and in our worship.

Coming to a complete stop

Can a rule of life turn a Martha into a Mary?


A huge gap

A personal reflection on weight, prompted by the ABC Family show, Huge.

The weight of the West

What the author learned about food systems by cleansing her body of yeast and toxins.



A short story about a girl in the hospital and her twin in the mirror.

Eating together

A review of Harriet Brown's memoir Brave Girl Eating: The Story of a Family's Struggle with Anorexia.


Naked dreams

If you confess your sins to a lion in the jungle, does anybody hear them?