catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Family & Relationships

My cloud of witnesses

How to show hospitality in a virtual room of diverse people.


Facebook reconsidered

How giving up online social networking for Lent shaped a new perspective.

Actualizing the virtual

Facilitating food and gatherings via the tools of technology.


Dreams for sale

Tracing a family's history and values through home spaces.

Portraits: Men of the Church

Four lyrical snapshots, taken over two weeks of celebration.


Fathers matter

A morning revelation creates space for grief and discovery.

I love you, (well-adjusted) man

A review of John Hamburg's new bromantic comedy, I Love You, Man.


Four old nags from Moody

On witnessing a legacy of friendship, sorrow and laughter.

Shades of joy

A mother reflects on her children's faith journeys and the complexities of joy for Christian parents.


Wedding photos (l-r): Joy, Pain, Forgiveness

Snapshots from a second marriage ceremony, including what's outside the frame.