catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Family & Relationships

The longest shortest time

Reflections on the dark days of early parenthood with Hillary Frank.


A hand-me-down life

How a young parent learned by example to trust providence.

Journey to grace

Lessons from accepting the gift of a late pregnancy.


The extended family

Getting involved with adoption and foster care.


Following an unconventional path to parenthood.


Letter to my son

A mother's reflection on the birth of her extraordinary, completely ordinary child.

What’s the big deal about Bebe Gloton?

A review of a controversial toy that asks us to wrestle with what's "natural."


Little sinners

On educating children in the ways of grace.

Generations of ice

A journey through the centuries to learn from that timeless teacher: the puddle.


College the second time around

Reflecting on a return to school at 28 years old.