A collection of impressions of what happened when a Philadelphia Presbyterian church opened its doors to an artists-in-residence program.
A collection of impressions of what happened when a Philadelphia Presbyterian church opened its doors to an artists-in-residence program.
A collection of impressions of what happened when a Philadelphia Presbyterian church opened its doors to an artists-in-residence program.
A collection of impressions of what happened when a Philadelphia Presbyterian church opened its doors to an artists-in-residence program.
A collection of impressions of what happened when a Philadelphia Presbyterian church opened its doors to an artists-in-residence program.
A collection of impressions of what happened when a Philadelphia Presbyterian church opened its doors to an artists-in-residence program.
A collection of impressions of what happened when a Philadelphia Presbyterian church opened its doors to an artists-in-residence program.
A collection of impressions of what happened when a Philadelphia Presbyterian church opened its doors to an artists-in-residence program.
On the local congregation?s alternative to a resident best-selling spirituality author.
A social work student wrestles with the relationship between activism and redemption.
A review of Hope Meadows by Wes Smith.
On discovering a right attitude toward worship.
Should Halloween be a time for sectarian arguments about evil or local unity around end of the harvest?
Guided by Rev. Netflix, a couple seeks something of what they weren?t finding in church in front of their television.
A letter for an as-yet unformed person, a letter imagined, and a letter that may never be sent.
Moving beyond legalistic environmentalism to attentive stewardship.
A written discussion about social intimacy.
On listening as worship and as ministry.
An inspirational institution ?closes shop? and makes room for another to step in.
A review of Alison McGhee's Shadow Baby with a list of other books that have proved helpful after a loss.
On the value of the life?s mundane experiences.
On passing down skills in community.
A meditation on key chains as a barometer of local and internal culture.
A review of Wendell Berry's Given: New Poems.
How can we move from despairing over the bad to cultivating the good?
On why Christians should be disturbed by the current war in Iraq and what we should all be doing about it, regardless of our opinion.
Reading the patterns of childhood in the adults we become.
A meditation on the complexity of describing our core selves in various kinds of company.
On what our own teen experiences can teach us about being adults in the lives of teen-agers.
A meditation on the serious business of being a child.