On the complexity of simplicity and giving up the closet.
A farmer reflects on lessons from twelve years of harvests that apply to growing vegetables and far beyond.
A call for help transforms personal crisis into communal effort.
A meditation on receiving with the original intention of giving.
A short account of an ideal vision for community that came tumbling down.
What happens when church becomes a social club with unwritten rules?
Reflections from a morning bike ride on the good things about chipping in.
Imaging youth group as an expression of what we are for.
A reflection on why I kept going back again and again.
Why I volunteer -- and create opportunities for others to do the same.
A recent graduate explores the benefits of full-time volunteering through Mennonite Voluntary Service.
On getting out of the boardroom and into the neighborhood with our words and practices.
A review of The BQE, a film by Sufjan Stevens.
A tale of two situations, or how I learned to let go.
Modest proposals for the future life of 22,000 square feet and four acres.
A list, counter-intuitive for some, on how to hit the road together.
Growing a church community around the centrality of the shared feast.
On putting pop culture back into the hands of the populace.
On the higher purpose of pop culture debate.
A lament after a case of church burn-out.
How mundane details met audacious hope, in the round, on December 31, 2000.
A reflection on the role of the married people in the pews.
Is this really what Jesus had in mind?
Can a rule of life turn a Martha into a Mary?
When the complexities of life after community living show up in the produce section.
How living in intentional community can lead to self-awareness.
Conflicting loyalties with regard to communities.
Learning from the ordinary spectacle of birds on a wire.
On the costliness of growing up into Christ-centered institutions.
A review of Harriet Brown's memoir Brave Girl Eating: The Story of a Family's Struggle with Anorexia.