The journey to conform to Christ takes a right turn in a small group setting.
Apparently, "truth is stranger than it used to be" in today's college classrooms.
What happens when we give one another permission to hold us accountable?
An interview with Dale Ter Haar, owner of South Park Hardware in South Holland, Illinois.
What is the relationship between church space and third place?
On how the Centennial Park Gazebo in Holland, Michigan, became engraved into a life story.
A story of discovering the place of refreshment.
On live performance space as "third place."
A keynote address from Jubilee 2006 that takes a look at what one of the Old Testament's more obscure texts is speaking to us here and now.
Like Jubilee, the Practicing Resurrection conference will convene souls hungry for faith practice nourishment.
A perspective on the annual Coalition for Christian Outreach conference from one who's made it to 21 events in a row.
An interactive session on what it means to serve Christ through business.
A reflection on the questions and people that led a math and physics major to seminary.
How can the Church's response heal those coming out of crisis situations?
Life after college generates questions about a vision.
Another transition prompts reflection on the fleeting experience of good things.
An introduction to the content of this unique issue, with links and information for participating in Practicing Resurrection 2006.
An impending move prompt thoughts about belonging in a place.
A review of the Cornerstone Festival 2006.
The journey of an addictive personality leads to…the radio?
Reflections on catapult as a space for confession.
A review of Noah Baumbach's film The Squid and the Whale.
Critics of virtual community laud the face-to-face experience, but what happens virtual reality comes to church?
Practicing Resurrection 2006 gathers like-minded folks from diverse places and backgrounds.
An overview of community principles practiced at The Hermitage Community.
On the connection between feeling at home in a place and finding a good place for coffee.
Unlikely community emerges on the other side of a record-breaking January snowstorm.
On how vocabulary fosters a sense of community.
Does the quest for the presence of God take place in isolation?
A review of Little Miss Sunshine.