A report on a community gathering to explore the role of sustainability in a life of Christian faithfulness.
An interview with Ron Vander Pol, an artist and art and Bible instructor from Sheboygan, Wisconsin.
How a medium that is itself engulfed in fame has something to teach us about public people.
Cultivating a mindful approach to watching television.
Reflecting on political divisiveness after a rally for Barack Obama.
A review of Shane Claiborne’s book The Irresistible Revolution.
An unconventional film about community and a magazine about cultivating an earth-friendly home.
Reflection on a change in thinking that has had relational consequences.
An older self and a younger self in dialogue about (dis)contentment.
A unique community combines generations who need one another.
Figuring out how to examine categories as a means of dismantling prejudice.
How a local writers' group changed from being a place of belonging.
A moment of reflection before heading into a whirlwind of a term.
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A group interview exploring the thoughts and ideas that fill the rooms of a big old house in Grand Rapids along with five adults and an infant.
Reflections of a daughter who may never leave the nest.
An evaluation of the messages that limit our household vision.
A single mother living with her parents puts a few thoughts on the proverbial clothesline for examination.
A sermon on one of the most commonly misused passages in canonized Scripture.
On raising kids who are helpers rather than hoarders.
A review of the new book Fasting by Scot McKnight.
A reflection on living in proximity during Lent.
How a book became a companion in pained solitude.
What happens when we open ourselves up to meeting songs with a posture of hospitality?
A review of the book Enough: Contentment in An Age of Excess by Will Samson.
Recounting a journey toward acceptance and intentionality.
Reclaiming aloneness from the stigma of punishment.
Facilitating food and gatherings via the tools of technology.