A story about a man, a woman, a ceremony and more.
A grandfather’s death brings an opportunity to reflect on family stories.
Overuse of the word community beckons us to rediscover its meaning.
Nostalgia for the kind of community that used to be prompts questions about what we’ve really lost.
A work of art serves as a reminder of the nature of Christian fellowship.
On the joys and challenges of living in Christian community.
On inter-textual pop culture community in The Cable Guy.
A reflection on the passing away of an autumn tradition.
A survey of 22 years of dressing one’s self culminates in a self portrait.
How did contemporary evangelicalism catch such a dreadful disease?
A bike ride prompts gratitude for the gift of community.
Musical performance art with Tim Fite and re-visiting a classic with Hitchcock’s Rear Window.
On working for hope and peace as an intercessor and a grappler.
With daily reminders of all of the reasons we have to despair, how can anyone possibly hold onto hope?
A mother’s hobby becomes a subtle lesson in creativity and community.
An interview with Monique Sliedrecht, artist-in-residence at Freswick Castle in northern Scotland.
A list of categories that can’t confine the author…to the dismay of those around him.
On gaining a "sense of place" through knowledge of nightmares.
A mother considers the relationship between safety and community in her household.
On dismantling the securing illusions of ourselves and others.
Eve Ensler’s Insecure at Last prompts theological reflection on the lie of security.
On quieting one’s own fears and keeping a house safe for two kids.
A prophetic prayer to feed the hungry in our communities and around the world.
A talk and slide show from the author's recent photography exhibit.
On how a requisite page became a blank canvas for an entire congregation.
Entering into the peace that passes understanding is a constant journey marked by occasional glimpses.
Nature offers a lesson in working together to change the world.
And the decision is not quite as ironic as it might seem at first.
Cinematic explorations of the effects of World War II and the power of music.
A confession about a collection and reflection on its purpose.