On the relevance of community to September 11
A young couple mourns and celebrates the passing of time as they visit the small town of Hospers, Iowa.
The Eminem Show combines technical improvements with the same flair for controversy presented in earlier efforts.
Despite several flaws in reasoning, Roaring Lambs provides a compelling argument for Christians to transform culture.
A teen-aged boy struggles with the many dimensions of what it means to be his brother's keeper as he cares for his mentally handicapped older brother.
What does the Bible say about our responsibility to build community?
Shared vision provides instant community at the annual camping is not optional event.
Spending an afternoon in a house that two families share reveals the benefits of an option more families should consider.
Since the Fall, God uses our weaknesses to build community and helps us gain a sense of Eden's bliss.
We asked several of our members to respond to the questions, "What was Halloween like for you as a kid? If you have kids, what is your response to it now?"
Where does *cino stand in relationship to the universal church? Here's an exploration of what our organization is and is not.
As we live in a spirit of gratitude, we can also actively seek to receive God's blessings.
A suburban Chicago church is following a difficult but rewarding path in an effort to bridge racial gaps, give away more money, and conform to the biblical model for church.
Two annual camping trips have confirmed the need to periodically share journeys face to face.
cino*connect, the online network of *culture is not optional, will bring people together for practical purposes.
*cino acts+two communities propose cooperative education among local churches.
A dream leads to a vision: the role of *cino in working alongside the global Church.
College students who participate in the *cino off-campus program will learn how to practically apply the principles they're learning in school to life after college.
cino*communities aim to inspire a more radical Christian presence in local communities through intentional living houses.
As small farms around the world are succumbing to corporate agriculture, a southwest Michigan couple is embarking on the road of the small-scale farmer for the first time. An interview and photos tell their story and explain more about Community Supported Agriculture.
In his first year as a CSA farmer, the author is grounded in the faith values that sustain his hard work.
Discipleship involves more than just the gathering of knowledge.
A family finds a perfect home in a "changing" neighborhood.
Brian McLaren's A New Kind of Christian, while evading some difficult questions, puts forth a good argument for the Church's need to adapt to postmodernism.
A timeless craze threatens to isolate teen-agers from other people and from God.
A few life lessons from the ghosts of my ancestors.
How far have we come in a year and where are we headed next?
Is perpetual exhaustion ever a part of God?s will?
A conversation with Jon Trott from Jesus People USA.
A North American woman finds home on a vast and colorful continent that inspires both incredible joy and difficult questions.