catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Work & Business

I am a writer

On the sudden discovery of a vocation.


I Chronicles 14, and What Is God Asking Me To Do?

How can a called writer patiently fulfill his monumental task?

Melinda Mae Missiology

Examining our role in “building” God’s Kingdom here on earth.


BE HERE NOW (and later, too)

Reflecting on a year-long experiment in time off.

Identity and vocation

On the search for purpose, via the story of playwright Horton Foote.


Why I buy books

On putting our money where our best stories are.

Arbor awe

A tale of pilgrimage to the Montezuma Cypress known as El Àrbol del Tule.


Old way, new way

A new movement among women is going back to the basics.

Fidelity and fecundity

A farmer reflects on lessons from twelve years of harvests that apply to growing vegetables and far beyond.


This is what we are about

What I learned from spending a week with student friends at Huss School.