vol. 8, num. 17 :: 2009.09.04 — 2009.09.17
Celebrating seven years of publishing catapult magazine with our annual issue on the gift of community.
A farmer reflects on lessons from twelve years of harvests that apply to growing vegetables and far beyond.
A call for help transforms personal crisis into communal effort.
A meditation on receiving with the original intention of giving.
A short account of an ideal vision for community that came tumbling down.
What happens when church becomes a social club with unwritten rules?
Reflections from a morning bike ride on the good things about chipping in.
Your opportunity to contribute thoughts about community, healthy and not so healthy.
A review of Crow Planet: Essential Wisdom from the Urban Wilderness by Lyanda Lynn Haupt.
Unlikely community emerges on the other side of a record-breaking January snowstorm.
A visit to a collection of art installations prompts thoughts about the relationships between art and community.
Anthony Eastman interviews Lutheran singer-songwriter Jonathan Rundman about grace, ordination and community building.
True human connection is just a Profile away.
Even in a country you know by heart
its hard to go the same way twice
the life of the going changes.
The chances change and make a new way.
Any tree or stone or bird
can be the bud of a new direction. The
natural correction is to make intent
of accident. To get back before dark
is the art of going.
Wendell Berry
“Traveling at Home” from Traveling at Home
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