catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Art & Design

On home-building

Building your own home can be a rewarding adventure when you apply your values.


Experiencing Michigan

A personal review of the Sufjan Stevens CD, Greetings from Michigan: The Great Lake State.

Perfectly ugly

An exploration of the role of symbol in Calvin Seerveld's theory of aesthetics.


Woods treasures

Ideas for celebrating the beauty of nature by creating simple, found-object gifts.

Off to the Festival we go

Calvin College's Festival of Faith & Writing offers an opportunity to acquaint new writers and readers with catapult.


Writing life

Is the common idea that the writer "plays God" a valid comparison?

I am a writer

On the sudden discovery of a vocation.


Wrestling with "Why?"

What can be seen as extraneous is, indeed, essential.

I Chronicles 14, and What Is God Asking Me To Do?

How can a called writer patiently fulfill his monumental task?


Goodbye, Babylon: Honey In the Rock

New box set of American gospel music seeks to save the lost.