catapult magazine

catapult magazine
In the Flesh

vol. 5, num. 23 :: 2006.12.15 — 2006.12.29

An opportunity, as we anticipate celebrating the incarnation of God in human form, to consider the nature of bodies—how we move, experience pleasure, heal, feel pain…



Unto us

Stories from personal and family history, told through the art of two manger scenes.


Mouthwash, midnight and a monologue

Looking back at a mile marker on a journey toward greater freedom.


Late night thoughts on incarnation

What does it mean to be fully human?

Angels don't kiss

Claiming what distinguishes us from angels may involve reclaiming the "holy kiss."

Thoughts on "Mythopoeia" and Henri Nouwen

Reflections on the meaning of myth, of story and of coming home.

Open arms

Thoughts on the process of learning to touch and be touched.


Imagine a world

A review of The Children of Men by P. D. James.

Born in a barn

A review of Debbie Blue's collection of sermons titled Sensual Orthdoxy.

Universal language

Pedro Almodóvar returns to an enduring fascination Volver.


In case you missed it the first time

Reflecting on the incarnation

An exploration of the interplay among language, the body and the incarnation.

The healing power of touch

A muscle therapist learns the power of physical touch?or not touching?in the struggle between life and death.

The purpose of sex

On the unitive, procreative and recreational functions of sex.

Weaving the web

Yoga: A New Christian Practice

Megan Jones explores the potential of yoga for connecting the body and spirit.



John Price writes about the places the mind wanders when the body rebels and won't reproduce.


daily asterisk

Even in a country you know by heart
its hard to go the same way twice
the life of the going changes.
The chances change and make a new way.
Any tree or stone or bird
can be the bud of a new direction. The
natural correction is to make intent
of accident. To get back before dark
is the art of going.

Wendell Berry
“Traveling at Home” from Traveling at Home

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