vol. 8, num. 2 :: 2009.01.16 — 2009.01.30
At some point in everyone’s life, space needs to be rearranged. Spouses, children, housemates, siblings and aging parents all require us to rethink our rooms, both literally and figuratively. How can we navigate such transitions well? What happens when we don’t?
A group interview exploring the thoughts and ideas that fill the rooms of a big old house in Grand Rapids along with five adults and an infant.
An evaluation of the messages that limit our household vision.
On finding comfort in familiarity, even in unfamiliar places.
Pondering (invisible) boundaries when it comes to living with other people.
Confronting the inner child as an adult living in mom and dad's home.
Lessons from cohabiting with animals within the house of creation.
Reflections of a daughter who may never leave the nest.
Your opportunity to contribute ideas and stories about living with others.
A single mother living with her parents puts a few thoughts on the proverbial clothesline for examination.
Is the starry-eyed optimism of the engaged a mere illusion?
Within the folds of clean clothes, a mother discovers something about her own mother.
On a summer day in 1951, two baby girls were accidentally switched at a Wisconsin hospital, and went home with the wrong families. More than 40 years later, the mother who knew tells both daughters what happened. How the truth changed two families' lives—and how it didn't.
Robert Michael Pyle explores a new kind of tsunami that’s battering the coasts.
Judy Naegeli on the network of 133 homes around the world where people with and without disabilities share their spaces and lives.
Even in a country you know by heart
its hard to go the same way twice
the life of the going changes.
The chances change and make a new way.
Any tree or stone or bird
can be the bud of a new direction. The
natural correction is to make intent
of accident. To get back before dark
is the art of going.
Wendell Berry
“Traveling at Home” from Traveling at Home
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