catapult magazine

catapult magazine
Artful Transformation

vol. 7, num. 5 :: 2008.03.07 — 2008.03.21

Reflections during the end of Lent and the beginning of Holy Week on art and transformation. What is the nature of the effect a piece of art can have on its audience?  What roles to symbol and story play at this time of year?



On becoming an “artist,” pied beauty and art in community

A talk and slide show from the author's recent photography exhibit.


Wonder-working power

Can a concert be more healing than a visit to the doctor?


Tenebrae and the enactment of faith

Rituals of Passion Week, discovered over a lifetime, can remind us of who we are, who Christ is.

Creation and culture

An artist explores her journey of expression and faith.

A harmonious confluence

An interview with Peter Hicks of the band Aradhna.

The artful bulletin

On how a requisite page became a blank canvas for an entire congregation.


We’re not here

A reflection on I’m Not There, a new film about Bob Dylan.

Grant’s recommendations 3.7.08

Reviews of two documentary tours, one of the American South to discover evangelical Christianity and one around the world  to explore the nature of human ambition.


In case you missed it the first time

Art, faith and Warhol

A session on the art of Andy Warhol, with an introduction by Dayton Castleman.

Turning again

A double review of The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness by Karen Armstrong and You Can Go Home Again by Gene Logsdon.

A story before bed

Reflection on a nighttime ritual that fills various kinds of needs.

Weaving the web

Healing sculpture

Photos and text on Daniel McCormick’s art installations that help restore damaged watersheds.


Mime of life

Todd Farley on the late Marcel Marceau, his mentor in the art of mime.


Bread and Puppet Theater

A circus with no animals, puppets of all sizes and free bread? The circus got too big to maintain, but check out the theater that imagined the idea.


daily asterisk

Even in a country you know by heart
its hard to go the same way twice
the life of the going changes.
The chances change and make a new way.
Any tree or stone or bird
can be the bud of a new direction. The
natural correction is to make intent
of accident. To get back before dark
is the art of going.

Wendell Berry
“Traveling at Home” from Traveling at Home

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