Vol 3, Num 2 :: 2004.01.16 — 2004.01.29
How do you choose issue topics?
We try to be timely with our issue topics, offering angles that apply to various holidays and times of the year as well as current events and the interests of the *cino community: hence the upcoming issue called “The Right War,” for example, which will focus on issues of war, peace, and human rights. The topics we feature are intentionally diverse, as a reflection of our belief that Jesus is Lord of all of life. Practically, we also look at what possibilities we have for writers on a particular topic. Most of the work we publish is gathered through personal connections and we’re always seeking to make new connections with both writers and non-writers who will contribute by telling their stories.
We like to pick an ambiguous title that will allow us to explore an issue (and sometimes several related issues) from a variety of angles. It’s All our Business is a good example of a title with dual meaning, spawning articles about being Christians in the business world and about reclaiming all of culture for Christ.
How do you choose what an issue’s feature will be? What are the goals for the feature?
Most of the time, we don’t choose what an issue’s feature will be until we have all of the pieces for that issue turned in. The feature article usually serves one of three purposes. The first purpose is to be generally informative on the subject at hand: the feature from the recent Simplicity issue is a good example of this type. The second possible purpose is that the piece start discussion by asking (and sometimes) answering provocative questions related to a core issue. The feature article of the Higher Ed. Issue, for example, asks and attempts to answer the question of how American Protestant universities can define an effective position between Christian cultural extremes of separatism and assimilation. The third possible reason something might be chosen for a feature is that it tells the story of real people who are struggling to live obediently as followers of Christ. See the feature from the Film With a View issue for this type of piece.
What are some of the *cino community’s favorite features from 2002-2003 issues?
Features of note for those who responded to the survey included the interview with David Bazan of Pedro the Lion and the fable by Jeff DeVries that combined a story about the creation of the earth with beautiful collages created by Ryan Vande Kraats. Another community member says, “I like the feature articles that incorporate lots of real people sharing about their lives—one I remember is ”http://www.catapultmagazine.com/issues/article.cfm?issue=22&article=207" target="_blank">the one about their health/fitness habits—those articles make me feel like I really know members of the community."
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