Vol 3, Num 2 :: 2004.01.16 — 2004.01.29
Why does catapult
have reviews?
Because we can?t escape the culture around us, we believe that developing the skill of discernment is very important if we?re to constructively react to and transform our culture. The stories and ideas presented in pop culture, with their colorful and convincing packaging, are intentionally seductive and usually tied into our economic role as consumers. In order to avoid the extremes of total avoidance or total immersion, catapult offers reviews that constructively critique elements of culture emerging from all sorts of philosophies about life and God with an eye to what honors God, both knowingly and unknowingly. One of the first steps to changing the world is knowing what we?re dealing with.
How are the subjects of reviews chosen?
Believing that God has already claimed victory over sin and evil through Christ, no subject is off limits for review on *cino. That said, stewardly use of time dictates that a subject review should contain some quality of excellence or redemption to make it worth the time to both write and read the review. Essentially, the chosen subject is at the reviewer?s discretion and we have not yet had to turn down a review by reason of a poorly chosen topic. If you are interested in writing a review for *cino, e-mail our review coordinator at jasonvb@cultureisnotoptional.com.
What are some of the *cino community?s favorite reviews from 2002-2003?
Members? favorite reviews included:
The awards for most faithful reviewers go to Rob Moll and Bill Boerman-Cornell, who seem to be able to read a book and thoughtfully analyze its contents in less time than it takes most of us to brush our teeth. As good, reliable reviewers who work for free are hard to come by, we are incredibly grateful for their consistency and initiative.
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