If you've been wondering what *culture is not optional is all about, check out our latest attempt to explain ourselves. Hint: it's got something to do with our motto?
Discipleship involves more than just the gathering of knowledge.
I thought liberal arts classes would be boring, until I started finding God in every one of them.
J.P. Moreland?s Love God with All Your Mind explores the necessity of developing as Christian intellectuals.
The distance from formal education combined with the busyness of daily life requires a transformation of study habits.
An unschooling mom makes a list from experience.
How often do we wish we could??
On passing down skills in community.
This summer's Practicing Resurrection conference will highlight the reality of the Kingdom in all of life.
On what happened when a first-time instructor chooses a graphic novel for subject matter.
A review of Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
Two philosophy colleagues debate the value of high and low culture for the Christian student.
A moment of reflection before heading into a whirlwind of a term.
Chronicling an English major's complicated relationship with books.
On putting our money where our best stories are.
A collection of thoughts gathered during time spent in Africa.
Ways to amuse children indoors, but out of the house.
How living in intentional community can lead to self-awareness.
A collection of joyful resolutions for the coming year.
A review of the book Losing My Cool: How a Father's Love and 15,000 Books Beat Hip-Hop Culture by Thomas Chatterton Williams.
A vision for redesigning college as education for whole people.
A teacher shares what she’s learned from forty years of various teaching experiences.
Weaving the story of four decades of gratitude and glory.
Tracing a life full of learning experiences.
A second-career student reflects on making connections in class.
A review of the book The Ignorant Schoolmaster by Jacques Rancière.
Remembering the many women who taught me well.
A challenging year shifts beliefs in some important ways.
A move to a new community is marked by shared meals and beverages.
Three books that have shaped a life.