catapult magazine

catapult magazine

Vol 8, Num 5 :: 2009.02.27 — 2009.03.13


Conversation: “Self Diagnosis”

Welcome to the “Self Diagnosis” conversation.  Respond to this issue using the comments feature below.  Or if you have a longer response to the current issue that you’d like to submit for consideration as an article, please feel free to send it my way by the Tuesday after the issue is published.

-k. vg-r

  • Have you ever experienced a time of identity crisis?  What precipitated that crisis?  What helped bring you through it?
  • Do you observe any rituals to mark Ash Wednesday and Lent?  Why or why not?
  • Have you ever experience a form of health care that you would identify as “holistic?”  How could the medical system do things differently to take the whole person into account in the pursuit of health?

your comments

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