catapult magazine

catapult magazine




Mar 05 2003
01:30 pm

I’ll give my two cents on jobs. I taught in a Christian middle school for three years and dreaded most days. In fact, there were some mornings I could barely convince myself to leave the house. After the mental stimulation of college, I found teaching turned my brain to mush. Today I am a graduate student again and enjoying the challenge. But… I work one day a week installing cabinets and find that work exhilarating. At the end of the day my body feels like it accomplished something and I can see what I have done. I love using my mind but I also love seeing what I have accomplished at the end of the day, not something you get in teaching very often. So what do I do when I finish with a master?s in history? I am sure the right job is there for me, I just need to find it yet.