catapult magazine

catapult magazine


pro-life and progressive


May 20 2004
04:46 pm

here’s an article from the latest sojourners which describes the rock and the hard place for pro-life progressives:

What does it mean to be “pro-life”? For some, the term is understood very narrowly as the opposition to abortion, particularly through legal sanction. Others are committed to reducing the number of abortions, truly making them rare, but favor policies that don?t criminalize abortion?and prosecute women and/or their doctors?to do so. And as U.S. Catholic?s Heidi Schlumpf explains in this article, many people, on both sides of the legality question, see a genuinely pro-life stance as one that embraces respect for the human person at every stage?a position that?s hard to find in today?s polarized politics, and one that cries out for broad (and civil) dialogue across our various divides.

?The Editors


May 20 2004
07:25 pm

we did an issue called “life worth saving” a year ago that dealt with similar issues.