catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Osama bin Laden is a CIA puppet (and other theories)


Nov 01 2004
04:01 pm

Since Osama showed up on TV the other day with his Kerry/Nader/Kucheninc endorsement, several people have said to me in that knowing tone of voice, “How very convenient for Bush that the Osama video hits the airwaves a few days before the election.” Then they go on to say that the US gov’t has been sitting on this tape for months and finally released it at just the right time. Never mind that the US seems to be decidedly not in control of what Al Jazeera puts on the air.

Now, that sounded crazy to me. More plausible is the notion that Osama bin Laden actually died a couple years back. But since he is a necessary boogy-man who keeps people fearful, the Bush administration created their own Osama. He lives in the Pentagon and makes grainy videos in which he curses America.

I find these theories highly amusing. Anybody got any good ones to share? Maybe right-wingers have heard similar ones in which Kerry’s ketchup connection leads to Al-Qaida. Who knows? Tell tell.


Nov 01 2004
05:19 pm

9/11: pentagon strike is a conspiracy theory that was featured in the post a while back:

it doesn’t really have much of a theory, just questions and insinuations (from what I can tell, they think a military plane hit the pentagon, followed very closely by a missile (not a boeing passenger plane)


Nov 01 2004
06:29 pm

what a cool video! I’m a believer.


Jul 13 2006
11:15 am

i haven’t watched this one yet (good night, it’s over an hour long!) but it seems to be in the same genre:
9/11 in plane site

This groundbreaking documentary by Dave vonKleist of the Power Hour radio show addresses the evidence that lead to the conclusion that 9/11 was an inside job. Using photographic and video evidence, vonKleist brings you through all of the unseen evidence.


Apr 10 2008
09:20 pm

I still haven’t watched that last one I posted, but here’s a nice short one:
9/11 Conspiracy Theories ‘Ridiculous’…