catapult magazine

catapult magazine


More safe?


Mar 21 2003
06:16 pm

Will the US occupation of Iraq result in a safer America and safer world?


Mar 21 2003
06:43 pm


If (when) there is a U.S. victory, I will feel no less safe. The world feels divided (as does this country)—and there are a significant number of countries/people who are furious with the U.S. right now. Now it’s not just Saddam who hates the U.S.

If (ever) there is a defeat of the U.S., I will feel the same lack of safety.

It seems we have started down a path from which we’ll never be able to trace back our steps.


Apr 14 2003
06:12 pm

Does anybody feel safer now that Hussein is gone? Or maybe it’s not fair to ask that question yet. I know Israel feels safer. But Iraq’s other neighbours don’t. And I don’t, but that goes without saying. I felt safest right after 9/11 when the whole world loved America.