catapult magazine

catapult magazine


How important is the church?


Oct 08 2002
02:50 pm

Hey there! I guess my thoughts out loud have been SO deep that it stifled the conversation completely. :))

To throw something else in: I am reading Wolterstorff’s Until Justice and Peace Embrace, and I ’ve encountered his discussion of the rivalry between the Reformed and the Anabaptists on precisely the issue that we have been debating for some time now. (The discussion is somewhere toward the end of the 1st chapter.)

Wolterstorff makes some provocative comments. For instance, he suggests that perhaps the main reason for the “integrationist” model of the Reformed is the triumphalism with which they’ve read the history of Christendom. A related thought (and this is me speaking) is that ever since Calvin, and more importantly in Kuyper, the cultural and political power was too easy to acquire. The Anabaptists, on the other hand, are still bearing the scars on their bodies, so to speak, from the persecutions, etc. Maybe this IS the issue at stake in our entire discussion.

Any thoughts??