catapult magazine

catapult magazine


God is not a Republican...or a Democrat.


Lo G
Aug 20 2004
02:16 pm

As someone living in a Christian community, I must say that it is rather refreshing to hear that there ARE those who believe that it is not a Christian obligation to vote for Bush. I have become very frustrated with the apparently prevalent attitude that we can forget discussing the issues of this election—because we KNOW Bush is a man of God, conversation over.

I’ve even heard the following question posed to young Christian voters: “Do you want a Christian man running our country or a man who fights for abortion and homosexuality?” Suddenly we don’t have to be discerning, pray for wisdom, or carefullly weigh all platforms and issues. This kind of “Christian campaigning” encourages complacency.

Do I believe in divine appointment? Absolutely. God can certainly put the man of His choice in office. We need to respect George Bush as our authority and leader in this time. But I don’t believe in assuming that all of our Presidents have been placed in office by divine appointment. God allows us our choices and their consequences all the while working for good. He asks us to be responsible in our decision-making, and discern the fruit of a tree before declaring it good or bad.

There is a lot of weight in giving George Bush’s decisions God’s stamp of approval, and I want to give my vote only after much prayer and consideration. Let’s encourage each other to seek God, even as we read polls, articles and statistics.