catapult magazine

catapult magazine




Mar 19 2002
03:52 am

God is always pleased when his children continue in there search for him. Thankyou for your honesty in regards to the fasting issue. Many people do things like go to church and say grace and tithe and have no idea why they do it. Many do these things just because they were learned.

I will just give you a simple breakdown on fasting:

1. Any born again believer (one who has asked Jesus to forgive them of there sin and accepts him as Lord) is in relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

2. This relationship with God is proactive and requires involvment on our parts(God is already totally involved with us)

3. Fasting is not a spiritual discipline (discipline would suggest correction and the flesh can never be corrected)

4. When we become born again we recieve the HolySpirit which resides in the heart(center of a man/woman) of every believer

5. The HolySpirit is God and has the mind of God which more than capable of controlling our entire body

6. Every born again believer has this new control center(the mind of Christ) and there own free will(their own mind which always existed and still exist)

7. Gods’ intention for those who are born again is that they allow the mind of the Spirit to control their body (or flesh)

8. Our level of relationship with God will determine how much control we let God have

9. Our sinful nature(or flesh) usually is in control of our bodies

10. Our flesh and the Spirit our two co-existing control-centers which are in every believer

11. One of these will be in a position of dominance at all times

12. The one that is fed the most will be the most dominant

13. we have an opportunity moment by moment to feed our flesh or our spirit

14. Fasting simply is a decision to withhold food (anything that provides pleasure enjoyment, or sustinance"food") from the flesh and instead feed the spirit (Spiritual food, word of God christian music, fellowship with God)

15. this decision will produce a flesh that is subduded or weakend. Once the flesh is weakend the Spirit can assume the dominant role

16. If the Spirit is in control , the your flesh will do what God wants it to do

17. Fasting produces more of a focus and submission to the will of God which is carried out through you via the HolySpirit

18. Fasting is essential if you desire to live a life that overcomes the desires of the flesh

19. Fasting is something that you should do with some regularity as long as you are on this side of heaven
The Spirit and the flesh will forever fight for the dominant role in your body.

20. We fast becasue we want God to be in control and because we want more of God (his Spirit will always guide us to more of him

21. Fasting must come from being taught but not out of tradition

22. We are taught the fundamentals of fasting but do it because we are personally responding to the love God has for us and all he has done for us

23. Everything we do for God should be our decision and we must know and understand why we are doing it. (everything else is tradition and has no value to us)