catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Valid alternatives to democracy???


Nov 14 2003
06:38 am

I’m wondering…are there discussions (on college campuses, think tanks, etc.) about alternatives to democracy?

I define democracy loosely as a national government form where there is representative government that the people can elect/terminate. It could take different forms, such as the monarch /Parliament, etc. form of Britain, or such as the US form, for example.

My belief is that democracy,
when allied to sound foundational principles,
is the best government for giving opporessed individuals a chance to get their wrongs remedied.

(See many points in US history, for examples of those whose rights were abridged but who eventually won (or who are in the process of winning) their full status per our founding fathers’ vision.

But if others have alternative visions of a fair & just national governmental system are there examples, etc. of the same?