catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Arctic National Wildlife Refuge


Feb 16 2002
07:59 am

I worked for Fish and Wildlife Service for 34 years, and it seems like ANWAR has been a topic most of that time. Nothing has changed: there still is very little oil there, compared to our longterm needs; it would take a long time to get it out; and the environmental damage will extend well beyond the little bit of actual disturbance that the oil companies and the current Administration claim. I think common sense will continue to prevail, but I worry about all the bad causes that are coming back to life now and labeled as necessary for the “war effort.”
By the way, you might be interested in my take on Christianity and environment on my webpages: and
Sandy Wilbur


Feb 15 2002
08:20 am

(I think I finally figured out how to do this)

I was just in D.C. this past weekend learning about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. If any of you have a few minutes to spare, I URGE you to please please write letters to both of the senators from your state asking them to PLEASE not drill for oil in the ANWR. That oil won’t be available to use until 10 years from now and would only provide 0.3% of our oil “needs”. Drilling in the ANWR is NOT a national security issue-we could easily cut back our petroleum consumption AND dependance on foreign oil by raising the mpg standards for all vehicles. Currently, there are campaigns urging lawmakers to vote to increase gas mileage to 40 mpg by 2012. Then up to 55 mpg by 2020. Did you know that every dollar invested in renewable energy supports two jobs, but every dollar invested into energy, like coal, only supports one job?!

Please write your senators, they will be voting on whether or not to drill within the next week or so. Tell them you care because you are a Christian and you love the things God has made and that we are called to lovingly steward the earth, that it isn’t ours to use as we like. Just because the oil is there doesn’t mean we should drill for it! I’m really fired up right now. Please write!


Feb 15 2002
10:16 am

there is currently a post on the network section of the site ( advocacy which gives a link for a web site where you can send your senator an e-mail about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


Feb 15 2002
01:17 pm

another great way to get involved (and make a little money—great for students!) is to get involved with the Public Interest Research Group, also known as PIRG ( this organization gets “hired” by selective causes to go out and spread information and get support. one of their current projects is the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. they’re hiring in a lot of different cities. also, they see their archenemy as the Christian Coalition, so being part of such an organization is an excellent way to express that not all Christians abuse the environment.