catapult magazine

catapult magazine


"die" with a "t"


Feb 10 2004
10:20 am

[thanks to an obscure Garfield quiz book i scoured as a child, i know that’s the cat’s attitude about diets. oh, the things we carry…]

eating with our housemates for the past month has instigated a positive shift in rob’s and my diets. we were at the very beginning of a very bad habit before we moved in with them, and that was relying on pre-made frozenness that could be popped in the oven when we collapsed on the couch exhausted in the evening.

even though our diet was on the slippery slope to average-American, i still had and have a desire to eat well—lots of fresh, local produce, whole foods, etc., but i honestly don’t know what to make of people who claim to have discovered the perfect combination of foods for humans to eat (“low-carb”, along with “Vicatin” are my LEAST favorite 21st century buzz words so far), including the one our housemate produced that disinguishes between acid-producing foods (white rice/flour, anything processed, ice cream, etc.) and alkaline producing foods (whole grains, fresh produce, herbs, etc.).

science obviously gives us a lot of models for our food intake, but on what should we be modeling our diets? essentially, my question is, how can we think biblically about what we eat and be discerning among food fads? is looking at the way God created the earth (what i tend to do) a good guide?


Mar 11 2004
11:52 am

I do not know the particulars about this diet but I know my sister used it. It is a biblical form of weight watchers so to speak. What happens is you meet with a group each week and talk about eating biblically — essentially: what leads us to eat the way we do? why are we in such a hurry and not able to eat what God put in the garden of Eden for us? is food coming between you and your relationship with him and others? is there a trouble that you need to be giving to God that causes you to eat? pretty much to truly understand eating and eating healthy in a biblical sense one must evaluate what role does food place in their lives. I am thinking to more about your question: what is biblical eating — not that I do this but I think God had made naturally foods that help our bodies function and be in top form to do his work and praise him….. I don’t so much thinks Jacks pizza has a corner on that market like God does. As for things like the Atkins diet — please do not get me wrong I know it works for a lot of people and it has some great aspects — eat more natural foods however — eating less “carbs” and more fat that clogs arteries as much as you want etc… something just doesn’t jive with me…
God speaks very clearly about gluttony I think portion size, the 5 W’s and how processed your foods will help you decide for yourself if you feel you are eating biblically… note this is just what I think not what I do… it’s very hard… convience is a powerful thing.