catapult magazine

catapult magazine


*You are my Prime Supplier


Feb 09 2007
03:00 pm

I just wanted to say that I just realized today, thanks to this issue, that *cino is my hobby.

I am also a dabbler and this is the ultimate one-stop shop for dabbling, at least for me. I really appreciate and benefit from the links to interesting web sites that are posted. I have met people through this site that I would not have been in contact with otherwise. I even have a new bassist because of this organization! I feel more connected to activities and events of fellow believers through this website. And I learn about stuff that often sets me on a new path of research or study. Thanks to all of *you who make my dabbling possible. I know I should keep such things to myself, but I really thought you all should know.

Now I’m going to write a similar letter to the dairy farmers of America because, good-golly-miss-molly, I really like milk! Mmmm-kay?