catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Is cheerleading overrated?


Jan 10 2003
08:48 pm

getting cut from teams=not fun

why I like college, more intramurals. (that and many other things) One thing you said a long time ago though I would not agree with, you said something amout the competition to be virtually non-existent and notas cut throat for drama stuff and that’s not true. It’s not so bad at some schools but wowzers it can be VERY cut-throat. But other than that I completely agree with everything you’ve said. Sports are very overrated (that includes cheerleading if you want to call it a sport and not a whole bunch of synchronized obscenely happy people trying to yell things to a crowd that can’t hear them anyway) however it does provide a place for some people to feel special, but I think they could do that in intramurals too.

I’m a nerd too though, so I’m prejudiced. There seem to be more nerds than others though, we could rule the world…what am I saying, nerds do rule the world. Can you say Bill Gates?