catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Camping -- Impact, Low-impact, NO-impact


Aug 16 2006
09:34 am

Long time CINO reader here and never really felt the need to post my thoughts until this no-low impact camping post came along. I am an avid camper and simply could not believe what i was reading.

Wow. Apparently, culture IS optional… because this is a new low.

Firstly, it takes alot of social ineptitude to bring oneself to pooping in a river while camping. Did it ever cross your mind that there are other people in the vacinity who may not enjoy your offensive addition to the local watershed? If you are going to go camping, go to a campground that provides toilets… that’s where poop goes. Please take the time to be considerate to those of us who enjoy nature WITHOUT seeing other people’s discharge. Let’s try and keep God’s creation wholesome and pure as best we possibly can.

Secondly, I also take offense to dan’s comment that all people who believe that asians go fishing for their meals are "stereotyping buffoons". I think that YOU dan, are the stereotyping buffoon for lumping me in with all racist asian haters because i happen to acknowledge that they eat the fish they catch… that’s like saying "if you believe that Americans enjoy baseball, than you’re a stereotyping buffoon."

Anyways, I look forward to hearing how many people actually bring themselves to going to the washroom in a river because it may determine whether or not I continue camping.

Curious as ever…