catapult magazine

catapult magazine




Apr 23 2003
08:16 am

ha ha! just what the doctor ordered, a little beer talk. you don’t know how nice it was for me, a self-proclaimed beer snob, to see the posts change from heineken to fin du monde. i have recently become a huge belgian fan (even ones that come from canada.) i have tried all of the unibroe beers (maudite, fin du monde) and must say that troi pistoles is my personal fav. also tres the unibroe 11 for the first time this past weekend. the 11 signifies the 11% by vol or their anniversary or something. very tasty.

so, do we have any hop-heads out there? anybody that’s really into the IPAs? the more bitter the better?

by the way norbert, i think unibroe is named for those of us with big fuzzy catipillars crwling across our foreheads.