catapult magazine

catapult magazine


Playing the piano for a living? it Christ like?


Ron Bergundy
Aug 21 2006
12:09 am

let me know what you think about this…as i just got a job playing for my local church…..


Aug 22 2006
01:40 pm

great question.
I think that if you are playing in church, or maybe at a wedding reception it is christlike.
but if you were to playing in a bar for people who were drinking/playing cards,
i would say that wouldn’t be very Christlike.


Aug 22 2006
08:29 pm

well said trout. you couldnt have stated something more obvious. and yet again i will log off from CINO and feel like the life has been sucked out of me, and dumber because of it.


Aug 23 2006
06:52 am

I guess one must ask the proverbial question: What would Jesus play?


Aug 23 2006
10:07 am

there is no evidence to suggest that Jesus had any musical talent whatsoever. that is the obvious point for the benefit of eddie.

i disagree with all of you about the ‘obvious’ truth that jesus would have played piano in church and not in a bar. jesus undermined institutionalized religion (church) at every turn and chose instead to make himself useful in places that snobs considered vulgar (bars).

there you have it: an opportunity for eddie to feel smarter after logging off. my pleasure to be of service.


Aug 23 2006
06:23 pm

I think playing the piano for a living is ok as long as you stick to Bach. Bach has been proven to stand the test of time: most churches have been playing Bach for at least 50 years, and there’s been no lightning from heaven yet.

It’s remarkably hard to read sarcasm over the internet. Is this a serious question?