Vol 12, Num 1 ::
2013.01.04 —
Near ... far!
by Kirstin Vander Giessen-Reitsma
One of my favorite Sesame Street sketches as a kid — heck, as a teen-ager and an adult, too — was Grover’s demonstration of near and far. This bit of kiddie slapstick has been coming to mind often for me these days as our *cino gang has launched a fundraising campaign for our community development work on the ground here in Three Rivers. Encouraging folks to come together across various boundaries has always been one of the themes of *cino’s work, and so it’s been fun to consider the many good reasons for people to support *cino from wherever they are and to see a diverse list of people and places taking shape as part of the Brick Campaign.
Ten good reasons to support *cino from nearby
- Because the Huss Project is actively seeking to preserve the stories of our community.
- Because Huss School plays an important role in local history.
- Because the Huss Project will continue the Huss property’s legacy of learning and community at 8th and Broadway.
- Because the community garden helps feed our neighbors.
- Because you want the kids in our community to have more spaces where they can experience love, sharing, joy, creativity and wonder.
- Because you want the parents in our community to have more opportunities to learn from each other.
- Because making art, reading poems and singing songs together grows our understanding and appreciation for each other.
- Because you want more spaces where the younger and older members of our community can connect.
- Because the Huss Project is already a place where everyone has gifts to share with others.
Ten good reasons to support *cino from afar
- Because we throw a big party for you every summer when you come visit.
- Because the Huss Project fosters learning and creativity for aspiring artists from throughout the region and the world.
- Because the intentional community in Three Rivers is part of a living, worldwide network of Christ-followers seeking faithful presence in their communities.
- Because *cino’s summer internships offer college students an opportunity to experience intentional community, offer their unique gifts to a rural city, and discover more about who they are becoming in a safe, challenging environment.
- Because *cino spring break trips challenge college students from many different communities to connect their spiritual disciplines with a commitment to their places through practices of silence, service, listening to neighbors’ stories and shared meals.
- Because you enjoy reading catapult magazine and want to support what the magazine’s work looks like on the ground in a particular place.
- Because you look forward to receiving the daily asterisk in your inbox each morning.
- Because *cino’s mission and core values resonate with the things that are important to you.
- Because you love it when people dream big dreams and risk spectacular failures.
And reason #10 for supporting *cino wherever you are:
Because the world needs more of this and this and this and …
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