catapult magazine

catapult magazine

Items tagged work

  • The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker

    A morning in downtown South Holland, Illinois, raises questions of fair trade and local businesses.

  • <I>About Schmidt</I>--about us?

    New movie is darkly comical in its approach to some of life's major questions.

  • A season of acceptance

    As Christmas approaches, we can prepare to accept God's good gifts by setting aside our own efforts and becoming like little children.

  • Faithful in business

    People in a broad range of professions answer questions about how their faith directs their day-to-day work activities, helps them face unique challenges, and affects their workplace relationships.

  • <b>*cino</b> needs a nap

    Why we?re saying ?good night? until September.

  • Rest a while

    Christ's model in his interaction with the disciples offers a model for us as creatures of work and rest.

  • Sabbath: Cultivating a God-conscious Life

    As creatures created to observe Sabbath, can we deny its integral role in our lives? An exploration of biblical and practical Sabbath.

  • The spirit of capitalism

    Capitalism operates well in the modern world on the basis of certain assumptions, but are these assumptions biblical?

  • Work

    Reflections on the nature of our daily labor activities.

  • Summer at the CLAC

    A student gains practical experience in turning Christian social principles into action.

  • Forty hours of purpose

    Is there a secret to identifying your true vocation? Perhaps it starts with asking the right questions.

  • A working worldview

    Students promote solidarity in the quest for Christian cultural engagement.

  • St. Gregory's Abbey and Benedictine monasticism

    An exploration of monastic values and practices and how the monastic life can inform the lives of those outside of the monastery.

  • The inevitable question

    The topic of our mysterious finances demands curiosity from others and honesty from myself.

  • Dignity through work

    Is fair trade a solution that political polar opposites can agree on?

  • Unforeseen effects

    Working as a temp provides rest and opportunity to reflect on the nature of work.

  • Job stories

    Members and friends share stories and ideas relating to their work experience.

  • Loving/work

    The 9-year-old Empire Records provides something worth emulating.

  • Time is my enemy

    On the difficulty of internalizing the gift of a twenty-four hour day

  • Peak oil "to do" list

    Why we should do these things anyway.

  • Willie

    Encounters with a neighbor in need raise questions of how to adequately meet the need.

  • Rumgumption

    A story of family, of wisdom and of home.

  • The metamorphosis

    Is the starry-eyed optimism of the engaged a mere illusion?

  • The beloved community

    A social work student wrestles with the relationship between activism and redemption.

  • What are you wearing?

    A meditation on the "uniforms" we choose for different situations.

  • Leaving home to go home

    A story of certainty and doubt on the path toward God.

  • Shaping the culture that shapes you

    An interactive session on what it means to serve Christ through business.

  • Shifting my weight

    An evangelical expatriate considers what led to her most recent major life change.

  • Coffee community

    On the connection between feeling at home in a place and finding a good place for coffee.

  • Get out of the mosh pit

    A personal story and an overview of principles for life balance.