As we live in a spirit of gratitude, we can also actively seek to receive God's blessings.
An autumn evening prompts reflection on numbering our days.
A review of Take the Risk: Learning to Identify, Choose, and Live with Acceptable Risk by Ben Carson, M.D., with Gregg Lewis.
On the complexities of giving out favorite books.
Reflections on the occasion of a not-so-pivotal birthday.
The difficulty of seeing other cultures-and our own-with eyes wide open.
On two authors who served as wise, faithful companions in the midst of uncertainty.
On surrendering control and remembering how to play in a season of inevitable change.
On an image for practicing prayer that acknowledges what is and is not known.
Ten lessons to treasure heading into life after fifty.
Remembering friends whose presence brought a sense of rootedness, even in their diversity.
As *cino continues to develop a vision for its historic school property in Three Rivers, Michigan, a list of ways to continue and to grow.
Seeking an alternative to ideology.
Resolutions and wise words for 2014.
Ten grammar lessons for life from a middle school grammar teacher.
Reconsidering a family trait for persistence.