Since the Fall, God uses our weaknesses to build community and helps us gain a sense of Eden's bliss.
Is laughter even appropriate in a world with so much suffering?
On the value of the life?s mundane experiences.
Rituals of Passion Week, discovered over a lifetime, can remind us of who we are, who Christ is.
A childhood gift becomes a constant companion.
On witnessing a legacy of friendship, sorrow and laughter.
A meditation on receiving with the original intention of giving.
Good news delivered from a dark pulpit on a Wednesday: dead is alive.
A call to embrace both joy and sorrow as we remember the birth of Immanuel.
Exploring the theme of grief in Terrence Malick’s film The Tree of Life.
The back story and a liturgy for a series of services of lament held by Peace Christian Reformed Church in South Holland, Illinois.