A challenge to enjoy creation and accept what we cannot understand.
As Christmas approaches, we can prepare to accept God's good gifts by setting aside our own efforts and becoming like little children.
A boy's first goose hunt yields a memory far more meaningful than taking in the first holiday bird.
The mystery of the incarnation is not just a topic for philosophers and theologians--it initiated the transformation of our family tree as children of God. Iconography is one attempt to capture the mystery, but what can we discover by going straight to the Word?
What can we learn from Old and New Testament figures about actively engaging culture?
Or, if the Reformers hadn't been resurrected, would they be spinning in their graves?
Unexpected love and lessons from a stray.
A last-minute duty yields lasting revelation.
A gift takes the form of knowledge conveyed in a letter.
On the saving gift of friends and family.
Can we earn salvation through the act of repentance?
An unexpected crisis is transformed an unexpected encounter.
What happens to us when we die?
A recounting of lately stumbled-upon wisdom regarding grace, redemption and forgiveness.
How would such a pursuit our families, our community, and our society at large?
Navigating family culinary traditions around the holidays with grace and vision.
Decartes vs. Paul on certainty, deception and human flourishing in the real world.
A childhood of gathering evidence gives way to an adulthood of storytelling.
On Protestant theology and the revival of discipline.
Dispelling the myth of a works-based salvation.
Realizations among the clash of cultures on a Miami vacation.
Questioning the church’s obsession with quantifiable data.