A teen-aged boy struggles with the many dimensions of what it means to be his brother's keeper as he cares for his mentally handicapped older brother.
Paul Thomas Anderson's most recent film bears his characteristic mark of authenticity revealed through exaggeration.
Advice abounds on sex before marriage—why can't we just listen to Mother and Father?
Who's got the inside scoop on sex? Apparently no one.
*cino survey reveals a broad range of ideas and models for how we can honor God with our bodies.
How should we live as Christians in culture? A lesson from Paul and Silas.
On teaching a new generation to care for creation.
A mini-review of the film Mostly Martha.
The question of whether Google is making us "stoopid" may only begin to assess what we stand to lose.
A reflection on the purposes of hands and how technology can both enhance and hinder those purposes.
How giving up online social networking for Lent shaped a new perspective.
A reflection on why I kept going back again and again.
A case for a more accurate and hopeful view of today's young adults.
A second-career student reflects on making connections in class.
Examining the source and nature of one’s treasure.
A pastor’s perspective on the church’s silence about sex.
Wrestling with belonging between the lure of two continents.
Integrating exercise into building a closer and more vibrant community.
On the benefits and challenges of technology.