A suburban Chicago church is following a difficult but rewarding path in an effort to bridge racial gaps, give away more money, and conform to the biblical model for church.
A look around at *cino's members and friends yields more questions than answers about ethnic diversity.
Race issues mark us all more deeply than superficial laws betray.
A small, diverse community of 8,500 people discovers a positive, proactive way to bring racial groups together.
A family finds a perfect home in a "changing" neighborhood.
Two interviews on the topic of race relations in the Church reveal mixed feelings about both the present situation and future prospects.
Two interviews on the topic of race relations in the Church reveal mixed feelings about both the present situation and future prospects.
Two interviews on the topic of race relations in the Church reveal mixed feelings about both the present situation and future prospects.
The Many Nations, One Voice conference in Milwaukee gives a glimpse of a harmonious Kingdom.
Approaching lead poisoning as an issue of environmental justice.
A bike ride prompts gratitude for the gift of community.
A reflection on the way oppression has shaped U.S. diets.
Reviews of two documentary tours, one of the American South to discover evangelical Christianity and one around the world to explore the nature of human ambition.
Two documentaries, one about soldiers returning from Iraq and one about the history of jazz.
Young adult fiction about race and the abuse of power and classic music from Louis Jordan and Patsy Cline, two of the most influential U.S. artists in the 20th century.
Electing a leader of color is a signpost on a journey, not a destination.
The principles behind and origins of one institution's efforts to dismantle racism.
The difficulty of seeing other cultures-and our own-with eyes wide open.
How can those whose genes embody an intersection of ethnicities uniquely contribute to understanding and reconciliation?
A report on race relations in Russia.
Your opportunity to be a part of the conversation about race and racism.
On the power of formative experience to set growth in motion.
The road to authoring a children’s book about hunger.
Considering what it means to feel at home as a child of traveling parents.