The Rhythm of God?s Grace by Arthur Paul Boers gives insight into the ancient tradition of fixed-hour prayer.
Read, Think, Pray, Live, a new book for young adults by Tony Jones, promotes ancient methods of connecting with God.
An exploration of monastic values and practices and how the monastic life can inform the lives of those outside of the monastery.
On the eventual importance of rattling off the indecipherable blessing.
Prayer for a test yields a surprising lesson.
A biennial journey to France renews a wife?s spirit.
Is there such a thing?
A review and discussion questions for a holiday classic.
What do we do in the moments that add up to eternity?
Simple lessons yield revelations about God and relationship.
Sometimes we need to stop and be attentive to the holes in our lives.
Travels in Tibet reveal some of the lessons that the practice of Buddhism can teach Christians.
A U2 concert provides truth and healing in the midst of suffering.
On why Christians should be disturbed by the current war in Iraq and what we should all be doing about it, regardless of our opinion.
Do "prayer guides" have anything useful to offer or are they too formulaic?
The journey to conform to Christ takes a right turn in a small group setting.
What happens when we give one another permission to hold us accountable?
Yet another move prompts consideration of the pros and cons of leaving.
An overview of community principles practiced at The Hermitage Community.
Does the quest for the presence of God take place in isolation?
Some tragedies are too big to comprehend.
A memorial for grandparents who parented.
A list honoring Vern Boerman, who passed away on December 21, 2006.
The mother of an infant girl struggles to stay in the present through crisis.
An account of a sabbatical retreat and an invitation to a firsthand experience.
How acts of creativity become holy, become prayer.
The journey of a skill from a hobby to a spiritual discipline.
A family tradition of "making things" leads to a very rewarding waste of time.
A sermon on Psalm 103 from a service of healing.
A little Julie Lee, some Beginning to Pray, and a good dose of Transformers.