A double review of The Spiral Staircase: My Climb Out of Darkness by Karen Armstrong and You Can Go Home Again by Gene Logsdon.
In a new series, a *cino co-founder offers short reviews of worthwhile art and media, This edition looks at the films God Grew Tired of Us and Into Great Silence, music from Kanye West and Common, and Last Train to Memphis, a book about Elvis.
Exploring the early morning monastic tradition of Vigils.
A journey into a rule of life reveals powerful tensions.
Three Rivers, Michigan promises destinations for many kinds of pilgrims, including the reluctant ones.
Entering into the peace that passes understanding is a constant journey marked by occasional glimpses.
And the decision is not quite as ironic as it might seem at first.
Conflicting loyalties with regard to communities.
Learning to stay present to God in each moment on the cusp of a lay monastic novitiate.
Inviting play into a busy time of preparation.
A pastor reckons with a retreat averted.
Reflecting on glimpses of community during a three-week journey.