What does the Bible say about our responsibility to build community?
A child's approach to language can remind us to leave our pride behind when we seek the kingdom.
An exploration of the interplay among language, the body and the incarnation.
A Christian musician with a professional recording studio wrestles with tough questions as he confronts lyrics and actions in his business dealings that he doesn?t necessarily approve of.
A period of service in Haiti leaves a language arts teacher transformed.
From the vulgar to the profane--is there such a thing as redemptive use of "four-letter words?"
A personal history told from the field, table, freezer, mouth and memory.
On how vocabulary fosters a sense of community.
Pedro Almodóvar returns to an enduring fascination Volver.
A particular European heritage exemplifies the relationship between identity and language.
Overuse of the word community beckons us to rediscover its meaning.
Two conversions become reflected in two different lexicons and perceptions of language.
An artist explores her journey of expression and faith.
A case against language that potentially undermines legitimate purposes.
On seeking to address a sense of missing ingredients in inherited tradition.
A reflection on what's good about online social networking.
Christmas comes in July for Benita Gonzalez and the on-call chaplain.
Useful tips...from an American in Australia.
A journey through an appropriately circuitous thought process on an elusive director.
How a book loyalist came to appreciate the company of an e-reader.
A vision for redesigning college as education for whole people.
Is it possible to truly belong in a new culture?
Considering what’s emerging for *cino after the spring thaw.
Exploring an alternative model to first world power dynamics.
Reflecting on cultural definitions of efficiency and inefficiency.
Examining the double-edged sword of imagination.
Meditation on circular patterns
The marvel of the incarnation through the lens of grad school.
To Africa and back again.
Food and home, from the southern U.S. to southeast Asia.