*cino's efforts address a desire for an intellectually engaging faith approach that speaks to all of life.
Reflections on the nature of our daily labor activities.
A student gains practical experience in turning Christian social principles into action.
Imprisoned Christian labor organizers in Cuba need your help in retelling their story and advocating for their release.
Students promote solidarity in the quest for Christian cultural engagement.
A reflection on Simone Weil, a scholar and activist who defied categories in early twentieth century Europe.
A reflection on expectations at the initiation of another Advent.
Exploring the troubling origins of our identities as creatures who are what we eat.
Examining our role in “building” God’s Kingdom here on earth.
On scrubbing consumerism's stain out of our cleaning rituals.
A vision for redesigning college as education for whole people.
Subverting slavery, one harvest at a time.
Was Paul really concerned about showing too much skin?
A mad farmer reflects on bringing life back to Maple Tree Meadows through bartering, laboring and other acts of faith.
Lessons learned from modern serfdom in a friend’s garden.
Washing dishes, putting in a fence, gardening, writing, playing music: a common thread.