A child's approach to language can remind us to leave our pride behind when we seek the kingdom.
David Dark?s new book, Everyday Apocalypse, effectively reclaims an old word.
A Midwestern college student volunteers for an eight-week summer mission trip to Eastern Europe.
Answers to some basic questions you may have about this online magazine and an explanation of this unusual issue.
Claiming a powerful difference in the search for true identity.
The Asterisk Awards inspire cultural analysis.
How we wish we could give a hundred of these awards ?
On what it means to be covenant people, discovered through the themes of Scripture.
This summer's Practicing Resurrection conference will highlight the reality of the Kingdom in all of life.
Reflections on the layers of identity involved in citizenship.
A brief exploration of citizenship related to identity.
Unlikely community emerges on the other side of a record-breaking January snowstorm.
On what a child's approach to music can teach us oldies.
Summer vacations past provoke reflection on a love-hate relationship with ‘perfect’ places.
An exploration of the definition of anarchism and what Kingdom truth it can speak into contemporary culture.
Examining our role in “building” God’s Kingdom here on earth.
How to become a conscientious objector in the culture war at the dinner table.
Why believers might conscientiously abstain from voting.
A lesson from Gamaliel about human movements and God’s movement.
The pine forests of Kentucky offer insight into maintaining healthy diversity of interests.
A sermon on one of the most commonly misused passages in canonized Scripture.
Embracing downward mobility in the already-but-not-yet Kingdom of God.
Sifting through St. Paul's letter to the Philippians in an effort to discover what it means to "rejoice in the Lord always."
Framing home and motherhood in terms of Isaiah's vision of family as a powerful symbol.
Considering hope and fear twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
On the difficulty of living into human purpose in the way of the resurrection.
What I learned from spending a week with student friends at Huss School.
A review of The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time by Judith Shulevitz.
What it's like to love someone with an impossible standard of perfection.
A call away from snobbery and gluttony toward the ultimate feast.