Since the Fall, God uses our weaknesses to build community and helps us gain a sense of Eden's bliss.
In the middle of such complex issues as war and capital punishment, we need to keep in mind our ultimate allegiance to the God of love and life.
The Jones family can haunt us even in a well-intentioned quest to live simply.
Should efforts toward the right to read what we want be eclipsed by efforts to ensure basic human dignity for our brothers and sisters around the world?
Find out what world leaders have determined to be reasonable expectations for citizens of this world.
On the struggle to discover a biblical approach to war and peace.
JustPlay uses statistics as a tool for making youth sports fun again.
The NCC presents ten biblical statements for consideration in the voting process.
An exploration of the term justice.
Indigenous farmers from Mexico offer opportunities to make the connection between righteousness and justice.
Shopping for Christmas gifts can be an opportunity to practice our deepest values.
A basic, well-researched exploration of why fair trade coffee is important and what you can do to promote it in your community.
Sometimes the most immediate needs go beyond food, clothing and shelter.
Ruminations on the relationship between God?s justice and God?s mercy.
A Canadian court case provides a study in justice.
A hand-me-down table was just the beginning?
A social work student wrestles with the relationship between activism and redemption.
Is it possible to find clothing that fits perfectly?
Breaking through the overuse of the term reveals a less abused meaning.
Activists see action at fast food giant as a sacrament for an age of transnational injustice.
An "autocentric" society raises many questions that might be considered from the pulpit.
A recipe for holistic community.
With a little thought and creativity, it is possible to serve up a little after-dinner justice.
Approaching lead poisoning as an issue of environmental justice.
The legacy of lead in East St. Louis.
Short reviews of The Lives of Others, Laura Veirs’ Year of Meteors and The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada.
On working for hope and peace as an intercessor and a grappler.
Book guru of Hearts & Minds Books recommends resources for studying and pursuing global justice.
Electing a leader of color is a signpost on a journey, not a destination.
Contextualizing a healthy sense of gender identity within a hierarchy of privilege.